Worldwide infections for COVID are at record highs, as is the S&P 500.
The RUSSELL 2000 (Small Cap index) is still lagging behind its November 8th high, but that’s where I continue to see the greater opportunity. The “riskier” Small Cap stocks and those favored from an eventual global reopening present the best growth opportunities for 2022 and at a lower price per earnings valuation. I’m sticking to that narrative.
Throughout this pandemic, the only time that consumer demand was lacking occurred during government imposed lockdowns. While restrictions still exist, they’re weakening across the globe. In the USA:
- Despite Delta & Omicron breakouts, domestic holiday air travel was nearly back to 2019 pre-pandemic levels.
- The CDC has cut quarantine isolation in half to only 5 days.
- President Biden has stated, “There is no federal solution.” (i.e. no federal lockdowns)
- NYC’s new initiative is: “Stay Safe and Stay Open”
The bottom line is that each new variant of the virus results in less impact to the stock market and I expect that to continue into 2022.
Speaking of the New Year, I’ll be prognosticating about 2022 on a live stream episode of UnLoose the Goose, which will air tomorrow Wednesday 12/29 at 5pm eastern. You can tune in live to ask questions or watch the replay at:
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